Donate now to give comfort to children arriving in the UK with nothing.

It is becoming harder and harder for desperate young refugees to reach safety in the UK. Their journeys are long, lonely and dangerous. Many separated children arrive to Dover by boat. When they finally reach land, they are cold, exhausted and desperate to get clean.

By sponsoring a £15 emergency pack, you’ll be giving vulnerable young refugees the essentials like socks, underwear and toiletries to get them through their first few days here, as well as clean t-shirts and a reusable face mask.

“I can’t make a donation today, but I’ll help spread the word by following you on Facebook and Twitter.”
Thanks again for your support. To find out more about our work – and the children we support – please visit our website.

Support Us

We are dependant on your generous donations of money and time to provide our services to the vulnerable and traumatised separated children who need our help.