Video for foster carers
This animation is the first in a series of resources designed to meet the needs of those working with and caring for separated children. This video was developed primarily to benefit foster carers (or those considering fostering), but social workers and other professionals who are part of the wider team supporting separated children will also find the contents insightful in their work.
The video provides an insight into the unique and complex behaviours with which separated children may present and proposes specific preparation which a foster carer can undertake ahead of a separated child arriving. By taking the simple steps outlined in the video, foster carers will feel more confident and capable in their care giving and the pivotal role they will play in the child or young person’s journey from surviving to thriving.
Thank you for taking the time to watch this video. We hope you found it helpful in your preparation for fostering a separated child.
This video is one in a series of resources being developed by The Separated Child Foundation to support foster carers and other professionals working with separated children. If you would like to be notified of future videos and training resources please enter your details below. We’d also appreciate you rating the video below (out of 1-5). Thank you.
Resources / links
Please find below a list of additional resources from other organisations and professionals to further support you in your preparation.
- Bob and Diana’s Foster Carer Insight
- In the words of 3 refugee young people
- Who is Who – Migrant & Refugee Childrens Legal Unit
- Asylum Process visual map – Refugee Council
- Stages of a Young Person’s Asylum Journey – Right to Remain
- Right to Remain Toolkit – Right to Remain
- Refugee & Asylum Seeker myths busters – The Children’s Society
- Ramadan and Eid Guide for Carers – My Foster Family
- ‘Welcome to School’ resource – Phoenix Education
- The importance of good sleep – UASC Health
- Sleep toolkit for Young People – The Children’s Society
- Age Assessment information – GMIAU
- A guide for foster carers – Devon County Council
- Talking to Children about war & conflict – Beacon House
Useful phone numbers
Kidscape: Bullying advice line for parents and carers – 07496 682785
Refugee Council: Freephone service providing advice and guidance for unaccompanied children seeking asylum in England – 0808 1753499 or WhatsApp 07888 866615 (messages can be sent and replied to in most languages). Opening hours: Monday – Friday (8.30am until 5.30pm). Professional advice line for social workers and carers – 0207 3461134
Suggestions welcome
We are continuously working to enhance the resources we offer to those supporting separated children. If you have a specific training need, please send your recommendation to our Programme Manager, helen.tirebuck@separatedchild.org
To read more about The Separated Child Foundation and what we do, please click here

Imagine being a child or young person…
Imagine not having your parents with you because they were killed before you left or were unable to leave…
Imagine arriving in a strange country, seeking asylum, completely alone…
Imagine having absolutely nothing.
being able to help.