How to apply for packs

Thank you for your interest in our arrival and sleep packs. To place an order, please complete the Arrival & Sleep Packs Request Form; we aim to respond to enquiries within five working days.

Key information about our packs

Arrival packs

Arrival packs are for people in their teen years. They come in six types: male and female; small, medium and large (based on adult sizes). The pack itself is an attractive, specially designed large duffle bag, measuring 60 x 50 cm. Almost all of the enclosed items are new but those marked # may have been ‘gently used’:-

  • Warm top (e.g. fleece, sweatshirt, hoody, jumper or jacket) #
  • Waterproof jacket (e.g. anorak, cagoule or wind-cheater) #
  • Track-suit bottoms or jogging pants #
  • Three light tops such as T-shirt, Polo shirt, school/office shirt #
  • Three pairs of underpants
  • Three pairs of socks
  • Flip-flops or slippers
  • Small bath towel
  • Warm hat, scarf and gloves #
  • Notepad and pen or pencil
  • A pouch containing feminine pads and wipes (female packs only)
  • Waterproof wash bag, containing these toiletries:
    • Bar of soap (NOT bottle of liquid soap)
    • Deodorant
    • Toothbrush
    • Toothpaste
    • Shampoo (NOT conditioner)
    • Comb (usually wide-toothed, suitable for all hair types)

When placing an order for arrival packs please specify the GENDER and SIZE (small, medium or large). The female size small roughly equates to UK size 8-10, medium equates to UK size 12 and large to UK size 14. Those who distribute arrival packs should remove the paper size label before giving the pack to a young person.

Sleep packs

Sleep packs are for people in their teen years. They are not differentiated by size or gender. The packs themselves are pouches or bags, resembling a wash/toiletries bag, and measure about 25 x 15 cm. The contents – intended to promote restful and refreshing sleep – have been designed in conjunction with a psychotherapist who specialises in children’s sleep and has been working with separated children and young people. All the items are new. Each sleep pack contains:-

  • A night shirt (to fit all sizes)
  • A plug-in night light
  • An eye-mask
  • A pair of ear plugs
  • A pouch of dried lavender
  • A packet of tissues
  • A stress ball or similar
  • A ‘Sleep Well’ card

Notes on contents
Having something different to wear when going to bed might indicate ‘sleep time’ and contribute to the process of regularising the sleeping-waking cycle.

The lavender pouch can be hung on the bed-post or placed on the pillow. Its scent induces a feeling of drowsiness in a safe and natural way.

The creative communications consultancy Radley Yeldar creates the ‘Sleep Well’ postcard for The Separated Child Foundation. Specially designed to suggest security in sleep, it can be propped up beside the bed or near the night light to provide a little comfort when falling asleep or on waking.

Please note that the packs are for issue only to separated children (sometimes referred to as Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children) because that is the essence of our charity and basis for our fundraising.