Please sponsor a sleep pack

After tortuous nocturnal journeys and disturbed sleep in detention centres and makeshift camps, separated children and young people arrive in the UK experiencing huge difficulties getting to sleep at night and staying awake during the day. They frequently suffer from nightmares.

Our sleep packs – developed with the help of a psychotherapist who specialises in children’s sleep – contain eight comforting sleep aids and are already making a real difference to separated children and young people as they acclimatise to living in the UK.

Each £10 donation allows us to create a Sleep Pack and get it to a separated child refugee.

Each pack contains a nightshirt, a plug-in night light, a lavender bag, an eye mask, ear plugs, tissues, a stress ball and a specially created ‘Sweet Dreams’ card.

War refugees at the Keleti Railway Station

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Imagine having to flee your homeland because of war, terror, or persecution…

Imagine being a child or young person…

Imagine not having your parents with you because they were killed before you left or were unable to leave…

Imagine arriving in a strange country, seeking asylum, completely alone…

Imagine having absolutely nothing.

Now imagine
being able to help.