Supper for ChildrenWe would love you  to take part in our Supper for Children to raise much needed money to support separated children who arrive in the UK with nothing. These children are often traumatised, having fled their homeland and their loved ones because of war, terror or persecution. They arrive here alone, because their parents have been killed, imprisoned or otherwise are unable to leave their home country.By hosting a Supper for Children you can make a real difference to their young lives. Through our Suppers for Children we hope to raise £10,000. This will provide 285 separated children with an arrival pack giving them a warm welcome as they arrive with ‘with nothing’, dishevelled and dirty, at the end of a difficult, demanding, and often dangerous journey.

How it works

The initial host invites a number of their friends to supper or lunch. Each of the attendees are invited to give a donation of a suggested amount such as £25 which comes to the charity. Each of the guests pledge to do the same thing with their friends and their guests pledge to do the same and so on to keep the ‘chain’ going.

Whether you would like to host an initial supper or are already part of a ‘chain’ you will find the resources you need on this page.

5 easy steps

1. Once you have agreed a date, send out the invitations by hand, post or email to your friends. You will find an invitation template here: Supper for Children Invitation and an email invitation template here: Supper for Children Email Template  which you can amend as appropriate, both of which explain the idea.

2. At the supper or lunch, collect in your donations from your guests and pass around the Supper for Children Guest Sheet. This is to enable us to thank your guests for their donation and to explain how they can host their own supper or lunch.

3. If you wish, you can give each guest a Supper for Children Guide Supper for Children Guide so that they understand the difference their support can make.

4. Please pay in your money on our dedicated Supper for Children project page. Please note that these donations unfortunately cannot be gift-aided as your guests are receiving a benefit in return (ie your lovely food!) so please do not tick the Gift-Aid box

5. Please either scan or send your Guest Sheet to:


Address:  The Separated Child Foundation, 115 Bradford Road, Atworth, Wilts SN12 8HY


Thank you so much for taking part in Supper for Children!